Friday, August 13, 2004


Welcome to the CT ISPI blog! We're planning a lot of new initiatives in the upcoming 2004-2005 year, and this is one of them. I see this blog as serving as a place:
  • to post chapter or ISPI news,
  • to post announcements from members,
  • to post links and other resources we think would be of interest to our members.

We'll leave the comments function turned on (unless we get inundated with spam). If you are a CT ISPI chapter member, email me to become a member of this blog. Then you'll have posting privileges, too.

The CTISPI officers reserve the right to edit or delete any comments or posts for appropriateness to this forum. But if we do, we'll do our best to contact any affected members, first.

Here's to a great 2004-2005 year for CT ISPI!

Sabine Kirstein
Chapter President