Wednesday, October 20, 2004

Resources: Learning Times Network

The LearningTimes Network (LTN) of communities continues to grow and offer a wide range of professional development, networking and collaboration opportunities for education and training professionals around the globe. Click on the title above to go to their latest newsletter.
Membership is free.

Two things that might be of particular interest to CTISPI members:


    Have you noticed a "CSTP" designation on business cards, e-mail signatures, or resumes of your colleagues? Or seen a Golden Squirrel Seal hanging prominently on an office wall? These unique symbols represent that this person has acquired the skills, experience, and dedication to merit the title "Certified Synchronous Training Professional". LearningTimes and InSync Training are proud to have issued several hundred certificates this year. CSTPs build high quality interactive and collaborative educational and training programs, and maintain a level of professionalism that has led to several recent industry awards recognizing their efforts. CSTPs produce these courses and events on every major synchronous platform in the market, which has certainly helped their organizations take full advantage of a wide range of educational and community building technology investments.

    Online classes begin each month, and include a Synchronous Training Primer, followed by Facilitation, Design, and Certification classes. Consider joining us on October 28th for our next free "Learn to Learn Online" class:

    ... or visit for more information.

  2. BMRA WEBCASTS on ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOR"Timeless Solutions for 21st Century People Problems"

    LearningTimes partner BMRA, a women-owned small business that provides professional education to Federal, state and local government agencies and other organizations, has invited LearningTimes members to view the archived recording of a recent session, entitled "Foundations of Organizational Behavior, Or Why Does That Person Annoy Me and What Can I Do About it?" The session kicks off a 5-part series on "Timeless Solutions for 21st Century People Problems".

    To view the free recording of the first session, visit:

    Malcolm Munro's five-part, one-hour webcast series, "Timeless Solutions for 21st Century People Problems", gives practical information and advice on the fundamentals of individual and organizational behavior. The next webcast in the series is scheduled for 12 noon New York time, October 22. More information about the "people skills" webcast series can be found at: