Friday, October 22, 2004

Events: The Macromedia E-Learning Seminar Series

Macromedia Breeze is sponsoring a series of free online seminars for anyone's who is a : "Corporate Trainer, E-Learning Content Developer, Instructional Designer, Technology Coordinator, Technology Director."

Here are some of the titles and dates. They're all 1 - 2 PM ET. You can get full details by clicking the title of this post.
  • Training and Performance Metrics – Getting Value from Measurement 10/28/04
  • Rapid E-Learning – Here and Now 11/11/04
  • Making the Most of Virtual Classrooms 11/18/04
  • Blending Training and Support for Software Applications 12/2/04
  • Building Captivating Simulations for E-Learning 12/9/04
If you attend one of these, we'd love to hear your thoughts on the sessions. You can either post a comment here, or, if you're a member of CTISPI, post a blog entry yourself. (Contact Sabine to sign up.)

I haven't attended any Macromedia seminars, but, obviously, all these free online events are sponsored by someone, and so there's always a slant towards or mention made of the product or company. Still, I have attended some valuable sessions this way, so I'm planning on checking these out, especially the one on Simulations, which is a particular interest of mine.

(As a side note, I got the announcement via an email. When I clicked on the link, I noticed that the URL in the address bar ended with "&trackingid...." I don't like seeing that; it means that they know the source of the link. When I backspaced over that part of the URL, I got the exact same page. I don't know what the tracking id tracks -- the general source of the link -- email vs from a web page? -- or if it actually identifies the email recipient. Maybe I'm being paranoid or just plain contrarian, but I edited the URL above so that the tracking info is not included.)